Paper ID: 2412.17019
Reversed Attention: On The Gradient Descent Of Attention Layers In GPT
Shahar Katz, Lior Wolf
The success of Transformer-based Language Models (LMs) stems from their attention mechanism. While this mechanism has been extensively studied in explainability research, particularly through the attention values obtained during the forward pass of LMs, the backward pass of attention has been largely overlooked. In this work, we study the mathematics of the backward pass of attention, revealing that it implicitly calculates an attention matrix we refer to as "Reversed Attention". We examine the properties of Reversed Attention and demonstrate its ability to elucidate the models' behavior and edit dynamics. In an experimental setup, we showcase the ability of Reversed Attention to directly alter the forward pass of attention, without modifying the model's weights, using a novel method called "attention patching". In addition to enhancing the comprehension of how LM configure attention layers during backpropagation, Reversed Attention maps contribute to a more interpretable backward pass.
Submitted: Dec 22, 2024