Paper ID: 2412.17690

RAGONITE: Iterative Retrieval on Induced Databases and Verbalized RDF for Conversational QA over KGs with RAG

Rishiraj Saha Roy, Chris Hinze, Joel Schlotthauer, Farzad Naderi, Viktor Hangya, Andreas Foltyn, Luzian Hahn, Fabian Kuech

Conversational question answering (ConvQA) is a convenient means of searching over RDF knowledge graphs (KGs), where a prevalent approach is to translate natural language questions to SPARQL queries. However, SPARQL has certain shortcomings: (i) it is brittle for complex intents and conversational questions, and (ii) it is not suitable for more abstract needs. Instead, we propose a novel two-pronged system where we fuse: (i) SQL-query results over a database automatically derived from the KG, and (ii) text-search results over verbalizations of KG facts. Our pipeline supports iterative retrieval: when the results of any branch are found to be unsatisfactory, the system can automatically opt for further rounds. We put everything together in a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) setup, where an LLM generates a coherent response from accumulated search results. We demonstrate the superiority of our proposed system over several baselines on a knowledge graph of BMW automobiles.

Submitted: Dec 23, 2024