Paper ID: 2412.17861
From Vocal Instructions to Household Tasks: The Inria Tiago++ in the euROBIN Service Robots Coopetition
Fabio Amadio, Clemente Donoso, Dionis Totsila, Raphael Lorenzo, Quentin Rouxel, Olivier Rochel, Enrico Mingo Hoffman, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Serena Ivaldi
This paper describes the Inria team's integrated robotics system used in the 1st euROBIN coopetition, during which service robots performed voice-activated household tasks in a kitchen setting.The team developed a modified Tiago++ platform that leverages a whole-body control stack for autonomous and teleoperated modes, and an LLM-based pipeline for instruction understanding and task planning. The key contributions (opens-sourced) are the integration of these components and the design of custom teleoperation devices, addressing practical challenges in the deployment of service robots.
Submitted: Dec 20, 2024