Paper ID: 2412.17992

Falsification of Autonomous Systems in Rich Environments

Khen Elimelech, Morteza Lahijanian, Lydia E. Kavraki, Moshe Y. Vardi

Validating the behavior of autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents, which rely on automated controllers, is an objective of great importance. In recent years, Neural-Network (NN) controllers have been demonstrating great promise. Unfortunately, such learned controllers are often not certified and can cause the system to suffer from unpredictable or unsafe behavior. To mitigate this issue, a great effort has been dedicated to automated verification of systems. Specifically, works in the category of ``black-box testing'' rely on repeated system simulations to find a falsifying counterexample of a system run that violates a specification. As running high-fidelity simulations is computationally demanding, the goal of falsification approaches is to minimize the simulation effort (NN inference queries) needed to return a falsifying example. This often proves to be a great challenge, especially when the tested controller is well-trained. This work contributes a novel falsification approach for autonomous systems under formal specification operating in uncertain environments. We are especially interested in CPS operating in rich, semantically-defined, open environments, which yield high-dimensional, simulation-dependent sensor observations. Our approach introduces a novel reformulation of the falsification problem as the problem of planning a trajectory for a ``meta-system,'' which wraps and encapsulates the examined system; we call this approach: meta-planning. This formulation can be solved with standard sampling-based motion-planning techniques (like RRT) and can gradually integrate domain knowledge to improve the search. We support the suggested approach with an experimental study on falsification of an obstacle-avoiding autonomous car with a NN controller, where meta-planning demonstrates superior performance over alternative approaches.

Submitted: Dec 23, 2024