Paper ID: 2412.18134

Learning Randomized Reductions and Program Properties

Ferhat Erata, Orr Paradise, Timos Antonopoulos, ThanhVu Nguyen, Shafi Goldwasser, Ruzica Piskac

The correctness of computations remains a significant challenge in computer science, with traditional approaches relying on automated testing or formal verification. Self-testing/correcting programs introduce an alternative paradigm, allowing a program to verify and correct its own outputs via randomized reductions, a concept that previously required manual derivation. In this paper, we present Bitween, a method and tool for automated learning of randomized (self)-reductions and program properties in numerical programs. Bitween combines symbolic analysis and machine learning, with a surprising finding: polynomial-time linear regression, a basic optimization method, is not only sufficient but also highly effective for deriving complex randomized self-reductions and program invariants, often outperforming sophisticated mixed-integer linear programming solvers. We establish a theoretical framework for learning these reductions and introduce RSR-Bench, a benchmark suite for evaluating Bitween's capabilities on scientific and machine learning functions. Our empirical results show that Bitween surpasses state-of-the-art tools in scalability, stability, and sample efficiency when evaluated on nonlinear invariant benchmarks like NLA-DigBench. Bitween is open-source as a Python package and accessible via a web interface that supports C language programs.

Submitted: Dec 24, 2024