Paper ID: 2412.19138
SUTrack: Towards Simple and Unified Single Object Tracking
Xin Chen, Ben Kang, Wanting Geng, Jiawen Zhu, Yi Liu, Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu
In this paper, we propose a simple yet unified single object tracking (SOT) framework, dubbed SUTrack. It consolidates five SOT tasks (RGB-based, RGB-Depth, RGB-Thermal, RGB-Event, RGB-Language Tracking) into a unified model trained in a single session. Due to the distinct nature of the data, current methods typically design individual architectures and train separate models for each task. This fragmentation results in redundant training processes, repetitive technological innovations, and limited cross-modal knowledge sharing. In contrast, SUTrack demonstrates that a single model with a unified input representation can effectively handle various common SOT tasks, eliminating the need for task-specific designs and separate training sessions. Additionally, we introduce a task-recognition auxiliary training strategy and a soft token type embedding to further enhance SUTrack's performance with minimal overhead. Experiments show that SUTrack outperforms previous task-specific counterparts across 11 datasets spanning five SOT tasks. Moreover, we provide a range of models catering edge devices as well as high-performance GPUs, striking a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. We hope SUTrack could serve as a strong foundation for further compelling research into unified tracking models. Code and models are available at
Submitted: Dec 26, 2024