Paper ID: 2412.19781
Machine Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Imported Food in Trinidad and Tobago
Cassandra Daniels, Koffka Khan
This research investigates the performance of various machine learning algorithms (CNN, LSTM, VADER, and RoBERTa) for sentiment analysis of Twitter data related to imported food items in Trinidad and Tobago. The study addresses three primary research questions: the comparative accuracy and efficiency of the algorithms, the optimal configurations for each model, and the potential applications of the optimized models in a live system for monitoring public sentiment and its impact on the import bill. The dataset comprises tweets from 2018 to 2024, divided into imbalanced, balanced, and temporal subsets to assess the impact of data balancing and the COVID-19 pandemic on sentiment trends. Ten experiments were conducted to evaluate the models under various configurations. Results indicated that VADER outperformed the other models in both multi-class and binary sentiment classifications. The study highlights significant changes in sentiment trends pre- and post-COVID-19, with implications for import policies.
Submitted: Dec 27, 2024