Paper ID: 2501.00191

Equilibria in Network Constrained Markets with Market Maker

Giacomo Como, Fabio Fagnani, Leonardo Massai, Martina Vanelli

We study a networked economic system composed of $n$ producers supplying a single homogeneous good to a number of geographically separated markets and of a centralized authority, called the market maker. Producers compete \`a la Cournot, by choosing the quantities of good to supply to each market they have access to in order to maximize their profit. Every market is characterized by its inverse demand functions returning the unit price of the considered good as a function of the total available quantity. Markets are interconnected by a dispatch network through which quantities of the considered good can flow within finite capacity constraints. Such flows are determined by the market maker, who aims at maximizing a designated welfare function. We model such competition as a strategic game with $n+1$ players: the producers and the market game. For this game, we first establish the existence of Nash equilibria under standard concavity assumptions. We then identify sufficient conditions for the game to be potential with an essentially unique Nash equilibrium. Next, we present a general result that connects the optimal action of the market maker with the capacity constraints imposed on the network. For the commonly used Walrasian welfare, our finding proves a connection between capacity bottlenecks in the market network and the emergence of price differences between markets separated by saturated lines. This phenomenon is frequently observed in real-world scenarios, for instance in power networks. Finally, we validate the model with data from the Italian day-ahead electricity market.

Submitted: Dec 31, 2024