Paper ID: 2501.01303

Citations and Trust in LLM Generated Responses

Yifan Ding, Matthew Facciani, Amrit Poudel, Ellen Joyce, Salvador Aguinaga, Balaji Veeramani, Sanmitra Bhattacharya, Tim Weninger

Question answering systems are rapidly advancing, but their opaque nature may impact user trust. We explored trust through an anti-monitoring framework, where trust is predicted to be correlated with presence of citations and inversely related to checking citations. We tested this hypothesis with a live question-answering experiment that presented text responses generated using a commercial Chatbot along with varying citations (zero, one, or five), both relevant and random, and recorded if participants checked the citations and their self-reported trust in the generated responses. We found a significant increase in trust when citations were present, a result that held true even when the citations were random; we also found a significant decrease in trust when participants checked the citations. These results highlight the importance of citations in enhancing trust in AI-generated content.

Submitted: Jan 2, 2025