Paper ID: 2501.04759

Optimize the parameters of the PID Controller using Genetic Algorithm for Robot Manipulators

Vu Ngoc Son, Pham Van Cuong, Nguyen Duy Minh, Phi Hoang Nha

This paper presents the design a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller with optimized parameters for a two-degree-of-freedom robotic arm. A genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to optimize the controller parameters, addressing the challenges in determining PID controller parameters for highly nonlinear systems like robotic arms compared to traditional methods. The GA-optimized PID controller significantly improves control accuracy and performance over traditional control methods. Simulation results demonstrate that the robotic arm system operates with high precision and stability. Additionally, the shortened trajectory tracking response time enhances the feasibility of applying this control algorithm in realworld scenarios. This research not only confirms the suitability of PID-GA for robotic arms and similar systems but also opens new avenues for applying this algorithm to real physical systems.

Submitted: Jan 8, 2025