Paper ID: 2501.06645
FocalPO: Enhancing Preference Optimizing by Focusing on Correct Preference Rankings
Tong Liu, Xiao Yu, Wenxuan Zhou, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp
Efficient preference optimization algorithms such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) have become a popular approach in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. These algorithms implicitly treat the LLM as a reward model, and focus on training it to correct misranked preference pairs. However, recent work~\citep{chen2024preference} empirically finds that DPO training \textit{rarely improves these misranked preference pairs}, despite its gradient emphasizing on these cases. We introduce FocalPO, a DPO variant that instead \textit{down-weighs} misranked preference pairs and prioritizes enhancing the model's understanding of pairs that it can already rank correctly. Inspired by Focal Loss used in vision tasks, FocalPO achieves this by adding a modulating factor to dynamically scale DPO loss. Our experiment demonstrates that FocalPO surpasses DPO and its variants on popular benchmarks like Alpaca Eval 2.0 using Mistral-Base-7B and Llama-3-Instruct-8B. Additionally, we empirically reveals how FocalPO affects training on correct and incorrect sample groups, further underscoring its effectiveness.
Submitted: Jan 11, 2025