Paper ID: 2501.07046
Differentially Private Kernelized Contextual Bandits
Nikola Pavlovic, Sudeep Salgia, Qing Zhao
We consider the problem of contextual kernel bandits with stochastic contexts, where the underlying reward function belongs to a known Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). We study this problem under the additional constraint of joint differential privacy, where the agents needs to ensure that the sequence of query points is differentially private with respect to both the sequence of contexts and rewards. We propose a novel algorithm that improves upon the state of the art and achieves an error rate of $\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{\gamma_T}{T}} + \frac{\gamma_T}{T \varepsilon}\right)$ after $T$ queries for a large class of kernel families, where $\gamma_T$ represents the effective dimensionality of the kernel and $\varepsilon > 0$ is the privacy parameter. Our results are based on a novel estimator for the reward function that simultaneously enjoys high utility along with a low-sensitivity to observed rewards and contexts, which is crucial to obtain an order optimal learning performance with improved dependence on the privacy parameter.
Submitted: Jan 13, 2025