Paper ID: 2501.07582

Spin-Weighted Spherical Harmonics for Polarized Light Transport

Shinyoung Yi, Donggun Kim, Jiwoong Na, Xin Tong, Min H. Kim

The objective of polarization rendering is to simulate the interaction of light with materials exhibiting polarization-dependent behavior. However, integrating polarization into rendering is challenging and increases computational costs significantly. The primary difficulty lies in efficiently modeling and computing the complex reflection phenomena associated with polarized light. Specifically, frequency-domain analysis, essential for efficient environment lighting and storage of complex light interactions, is lacking. To efficiently simulate and reproduce polarized light interactions using frequency-domain techniques, we address the challenge of maintaining continuity in polarized light transport represented by Stokes vectors within angular domains. The conventional spherical harmonics method cannot effectively handle continuity and rotation invariance for Stokes vectors. To overcome this, we develop a new method called polarized spherical harmonics (PSH) based on the spin-weighted spherical harmonics theory. Our method provides a rotation-invariant representation of Stokes vector fields. Furthermore, we introduce frequency domain formulations of polarized rendering equations and spherical convolution based on PSH. We first define spherical convolution on Stokes vector fields in the angular domain, and it also provides efficient computation of polarized light transport, nearly on an entry-wise product in the frequency domain. Our frequency domain formulation, including spherical convolution, led to the development of the first real-time polarization rendering technique under polarized environmental illumination, named precomputed polarized radiance transfer, using our polarized spherical harmonics. Results demonstrate that our method can effectively and accurately simulate and reproduce polarized light interactions in complex reflection phenomena.

Submitted: Dec 29, 2024