Paper ID: 2501.08640

Quantum Reservoir Computing and Risk Bounds

Naomi Mona Chmielewski (L2S), Nina Amini (L2S, CNRS), Joseph Mikael

We propose a way to bound the generalisation errors of several classes of quantum reservoirs using the Rademacher complexity. We give specific, parameter-dependent bounds for two particular quantum reservoir classes. We analyse how the generalisation bounds scale with growing numbers of qubits. Applying our results to classes with polynomial readout functions, we find that the risk bounds converge in the number of training samples. The explicit dependence on the quantum reservoir and readout parameters in our bounds can be used to control the generalisation error to a certain extent. It should be noted that the bounds scale exponentially with the number of qubits $n$. The upper bounds on the Rademacher complexity can be applied to other reservoir classes that fulfill a few hypotheses on the quantum dynamics and the readout function.

Submitted: Jan 15, 2025