Artistic Drawing
Artistic drawing is being revolutionized by AI, focusing on improving both the creation and analysis of drawings. Current research employs various deep learning architectures, including transformers and diffusion models, to generate high-quality images from text prompts, assist artists with complex stroke generation, and even automate the scoring of drawings for cognitive assessments. This work has implications for assistive technologies, digital art creation, and medical diagnostics, offering new tools for both artistic expression and clinical evaluation. The development of robust and versatile AI models for artistic drawing promises to significantly impact both creative fields and healthcare applications.
ILLUME: Illuminating Your LLMs to See, Draw, and Self-Enhance
Chunwei Wang, Guansong Lu, Junwei Yang, Runhui Huang, Jianhua Han, Lu Hou, Wei Zhang, Hang Xu
When Dimensionality Reduction Meets Graph (Drawing) Theory: Introducing a Common Framework, Challenges and Opportunities
Fernando Paulovich, Alessio Arleo, Stef van den Elzen