Autonomous Racing
Autonomous racing research focuses on developing algorithms enabling vehicles to navigate race tracks at high speeds and compete against opponents or achieve optimal lap times. Current research emphasizes robust perception using sensor fusion (e.g., LiDAR, cameras, radar), advanced control strategies incorporating model predictive control (MPC) and reinforcement learning (RL), and efficient trajectory planning methods often utilizing splines or neural networks. This field contributes significantly to the advancement of autonomous driving technologies by pushing the boundaries of perception, control, and decision-making in challenging, high-speed environments.
Fast and Modular Autonomy Software for Autonomous Racing Vehicles
Andrew Saba, Aderotimi Adetunji, Adam Johnson, Aadi Kothari, Matthew Sivaprakasam, Joshua Spisak, Prem Bharatia, Arjun Chauhan, Brendan Duff, Noah Gasparro, Charles King, Ryan Larkin, Brian Mao, Micah Nye, Anjali Parashar, Joseph Attias, Aurimas Balciunas, Austin Brown, Chris Chang, Ming Gao, Cindy Heredia, Andrew Keats, Jose Lavariega, William Muckelroy, Andre Slavescu, Nickolas Stathas, Nayana Suvarna, Chuan Tian Zhang, Sebastian Scherer, Deva Ramanan
Scalable Supervisory Architecture for Autonomous Race Cars
Zalán Demeter, Péter Bogdán, Ármin Bogár-Németh, Gergely Bári