Co Occurrence
Co-occurrence analysis investigates the statistical relationships between items, such as words in text, objects in images, or actions in videos. Current research focuses on leveraging co-occurrence information to improve various machine learning tasks, including knowledge representation in language models, object detection, and action recognition, often employing techniques like transformer networks, graph convolutional networks, and association rule mining. Understanding and effectively utilizing co-occurrence patterns is crucial for enhancing the accuracy and generalizability of models across diverse applications, from improving search engine functionality to advancing the field of autonomous driving. Furthermore, research is actively exploring how to mitigate biases stemming from over-reliance on co-occurrence statistics.
Temporal Patterns of Multiple Long-Term Conditions in Individuals with Intellectual Disability Living in Wales: An Unsupervised Clustering Approach to Disease Trajectories
Rania Kousovista, Georgina Cosma, Emeka Abakasanga, Ashley Akbari, Francesco Zaccardi, Gyuchan Thomas Jun, Reza Kiani, Satheesh Gangadharan
Joint Audio-Visual Idling Vehicle Detection with Streamlined Input Dependencies
Xiwen Li, Rehman Mohammed, Tristalee Mangin, Surojit Saha, Ross T Whitaker, Kerry E. Kelly, Tolga Tasdizen
QueryMamba: A Mamba-Based Encoder-Decoder Architecture with a Statistical Verb-Noun Interaction Module for Video Action Forecasting @ Ego4D Long-Term Action Anticipation Challenge 2024
Zeyun Zhong, Manuel Martin, Frederik Diederichs, Juergen Beyerer
gFlora: a topology-aware method to discover functional co-response groups in soil microbial communities
Nan Chen, Merlijn Schram, Doina Bucur