Dynamic Prediction
Dynamic prediction focuses on accurately forecasting the future states of systems exhibiting temporal evolution, aiming to improve the understanding and control of complex phenomena. Current research emphasizes the use of deep learning architectures, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs, including LSTMs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and graph neural networks (GNNs), often combined with techniques like Voronoi tessellation and physics-informed learning to enhance prediction accuracy and robustness, particularly in scenarios with sparse or noisy data. This field is crucial for applications ranging from autonomous driving and robotics to power grid security and environmental modeling, where accurate predictions are essential for effective decision-making and risk mitigation.
Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 -- Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors
Moritz Neun, Christian Eichenberger, Henry Martin, Markus Spanring, Rahul Siripurapu, Daniel Springer, Leyan Deng, Chenwang Wu, Defu Lian, Min Zhou, Martin Lumiste, Andrei Ilie, Xinhua Wu, Cheng Lyu, Qing-Long Lu, Vishal Mahajan, Yichao Lu, Jiezhang Li, Junjun Li, Yue-Jiao Gong, Florian Grötschla, Joël Mathys, Ye Wei, He Haitao, Hui Fang, Kevin Malm, Fei Tang, Michael Kopp, David Kreil, Sepp Hochreiter
Simultaneous Action Recognition and Human Whole-Body Motion and Dynamics Prediction from Wearable Sensors
Kourosh Darvish, Serena Ivaldi, Daniele Pucci