Experimental Validation
Experimental validation in scientific research focuses on rigorously testing the accuracy and reliability of models and algorithms through empirical data, ensuring their real-world applicability. Current research emphasizes robust validation methodologies across diverse fields, including healthcare (using deep learning models for diagnosis and LLMs for clinical decision support), robotics (verifying control algorithms and sensor fusion techniques), and materials science (validating simulations against experimental measurements). These validation efforts are crucial for establishing the trustworthiness of scientific findings and facilitating the translation of research into practical applications, improving decision-making in various domains.
Limiting Kinetic Energy through Control Barrier Functions: Analysis and Experimental Validation
Federico Califano, Daniel Logmans, Wesley Roozing
Towards certification: A complete statistical validation pipeline for supervised learning in industry
Lucas Lacasa, Abel Pardo, Pablo Arbelo, Miguel Sánchez, Pablo Yeste, Noelia Bascones, Alejandro Martínez-Cava, Gonzalo Rubio, Ignacio Gómez, Eusebio Valero, Javier de Vicente
Zodiac: A Cardiologist-Level LLM Framework for Multi-Agent Diagnostics
Yuan Zhou, Peng Zhang, Mengya Song, Alice Zheng, Yiwen Lu, Zhiheng Liu, Yong Chen, Zhaohan Xi
Experimental Validation of Light Cable-Driven Elbow-Assisting Device L-CADEL Design
Med Amine Laribi (COBRA), Marco Ceccarelli, Juan Sandoval (COBRA), Matteo Bottin (Unipd), Giulio Rosati
Clinical Validation of a Real-Time Machine Learning-based System for the Detection of Acute Myeloid Leukemia by Flow Cytometry
Lauren M. Zuromski, Jacob Durtschi, Aimal Aziz, Jeffrey Chumley, Mark Dewey, Paul English, Muir Morrison, Keith Simmon, Blaine Whipple, Brendan O'Fallon, David P. Ng
Image-to-Image Translation Based on Deep Generative Modeling for Radiotherapy Synthetic Dataset Creation
Olga Glazunova, Cecile J.A. Wolfs, Frank Verhaegen