Graph Drawing
Graph drawing research focuses on efficiently representing and manipulating graph-structured data, aiming to optimize algorithms for tasks like pathfinding, substructure counting, and graph classification. Current research emphasizes developing novel algorithms, including those based on reinforcement learning, linear programming, and graph neural networks (GNNs), to improve computational efficiency and address challenges like heterophily and scalability in large graphs. These advancements have significant implications for diverse fields, enabling faster and more accurate analysis of complex networks in areas such as social sciences, robotics, and materials science.
Retrosynthesis Prediction via Search in (Hyper) Graph
Zixun Lan, Binjie Hong, Jiajun Zhu, Zuo Zeng, Zhenfu Liu, Limin Yu, Fei Ma
Continual Learning on Graphs: A Survey
Zonggui Tian, Du Zhang, Hong-Ning Dai
CoRe-GD: A Hierarchical Framework for Scalable Graph Visualization with GNNs
Florian Grötschla, Joël Mathys, Robert Veres, Roger Wattenhofer
Classifying Nodes in Graphs without GNNs
Daniel Winter, Niv Cohen, Yedid Hoshen
Cutsets and EF1 Fair Division of Graphs
Jiehua Chen, William S. Zwicker
Let Your Graph Do the Talking: Encoding Structured Data for LLMs
Bryan Perozzi, Bahare Fatemi, Dustin Zelle, Anton Tsitsulin, Mehran Kazemi, Rami Al-Rfou, Jonathan Halcrow