Knowledge Graph
Knowledge graphs (KGs) are structured representations of information, aiming to organize data into interconnected entities and relationships to facilitate knowledge discovery and reasoning. Current research heavily focuses on integrating KGs with large language models (LLMs) to enhance question answering, knowledge graph completion, and other knowledge-intensive tasks, often employing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and graph neural network architectures. This integration improves the accuracy and efficiency of various applications, ranging from legal article recommendation and medical diagnosis to supporting legislative processes and scholarly research. The resulting advancements have significant implications for diverse fields requiring complex information processing and reasoning.
Combining knowledge graphs and LLMs for hazardous chemical information management and reuse
Marcos Da Silveira, Louis Deladiennee, Kheira Acem, Oona Freudenthal
Adapting to Non-Stationary Environments: Multi-Armed Bandit Enhanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation on Knowledge Graphs
Xiaqiang Tang, Jian Li, Nan Du, Sihong Xie
RAG-based Question Answering over Heterogeneous Data and Text
Philipp Christmann, Gerhard Weikum
Generating Knowledge Graphs from Large Language Models: A Comparative Study of GPT-4, LLaMA 2, and BERT
Ahan Bhatt, Nandan Vaghela, Kush Dudhia
Fine-grained graph representation learning for heterogeneous mobile networks with attentive fusion and contrastive learning
Shengheng Liu, Tianqi Zhang, Ningning Fu, Yongming Huang
Knowledge Graphs are all you need: Leveraging KGs in Physics Question Answering
Krishnasai Addala, Kabir Dev Paul Baghel, Dhruv Jain, Chhavi Kirtani, Avinash Anand, Rajiv Ratn Shah
A*Net and NBFNet Learn Negative Patterns on Knowledge Graphs
Patrick Betz, Nathanael Stelzner, Christian Meilicke, Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Christian Bartelt
KaLM: Knowledge-aligned Autoregressive Language Modeling via Dual-view Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning
Peng Yu, Cheng Deng, Beiya Dai, Xinbing Wang, Ying Wen
eXpath: Explaining Knowledge Graph Link Prediction with Ontological Closed Path Rules
Ye Sun, Lei Shi, Yongxin Tong
Anomaly Detection and Classification in Knowledge Graphs
Asara Senaratne, Peter Christen, Pouya Omran, Graham Williams
LLM-Align: Utilizing Large Language Models for Entity Alignment in Knowledge Graphs
Xuan Chen, Tong Lu, Zhichun Wang
Distance-Adaptive Quaternion Knowledge Graph Embedding with Bidirectional Rotation
Weihua Wang, Qiuyu Liang, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao
How Good is ChatGPT in Giving Adaptive Guidance Using Knowledge Graphs in E-Learning Environments?
Patrick Ocheja, Brendan Flanagan, Yiling Dai, Hiroaki Ogata
Synergizing LLMs and Knowledge Graphs: A Novel Approach to Software Repository-Related Question Answering
Samuel Abedu, SayedHassan Khatoonabadi, Emad Shihab