Mineral Data
Mineral data analysis is undergoing a transformation driven by advancements in machine learning and remote sensing technologies. Current research focuses on developing and applying deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks and YOLO-based architectures, to improve the efficiency and accuracy of mineral identification, classification, and prospectivity mapping from diverse data sources including hyperspectral imagery, UAV-acquired data, and measurement-while-drilling information. These improvements are crucial for optimizing mineral exploration, resource extraction, and ultimately, reducing the environmental and economic costs associated with mining operations.
Sensor Integration and Performance Optimizations for Mineral Exploration using Large-scale Hybrid Multirotor UAVs
Robel Efrem, Alex Coutu, Sajad Saeedi
Suspended Magnetometer Survey for Mineral Data Acquisition with Vertical Take-off and Landing Fixed-wing Aircraft
Robel Efrem, Alex Coutu, Sajad Saeedi