Near Infrared Iris Image
Near-infrared (NIR) iris imaging focuses on capturing and analyzing iris patterns using NIR light, primarily for biometric identification and assessment of fitness for duty. Current research emphasizes improving image quality through super-resolution techniques, often employing deep learning architectures like convolutional neural networks and autoencoders, to address challenges posed by low-resolution images. These advancements, along with novel segmentation and classification methods (e.g., using capsule networks and attention mechanisms), aim to enhance the accuracy and robustness of iris-based systems for security and health monitoring applications. The resulting improvements in accuracy and reliability have significant implications for both biometric security and the development of automated systems for detecting impairment due to substance use or fatigue.
Learning to Predict Fitness for Duty using Near Infrared Periocular Iris Images
Juan Tapia, Daniel Benalcazar, Andres Valenzuela, Leonardo Causa, Enrique Lopez Droguett, Christoph Busch
Alcohol Consumption Detection from Periocular NIR Images Using Capsule Network
Juan Tapia, Enrique Lopez Droguett, Christoph Busch