Non Humanoid Robot
Non-humanoid robots encompass a diverse range of designs, from multi-legged robots inspired by insects to wheeled and even flapping-wing robots, all aiming to achieve efficient and adaptable locomotion and manipulation in various environments. Current research emphasizes improving robot autonomy through reinforcement learning, particularly for gait generation and task planning, often incorporating large language models (LLMs) for natural language instruction processing and human-robot interaction. These advancements are significant for expanding robotic capabilities in challenging tasks such as cooking, search and rescue, and collaborative assembly, ultimately impacting fields ranging from manufacturing and healthcare to exploration and disaster response.
Why Automate This? Exploring the Connection between Time Use, Well-being and Robot Automation Across Social Groups
Ruchira Ray, Leona Pang, Sanjana Srivastava, Li Fei-Fei, Samantha Shorey, Roberto Martín-Martín
Environment Modeling for Service Robots From a Task Execution Perspective
Ying Zhang, Guohui Tian, Cui-Hua Zhang, Changchun Hua, Weili Ding, Choon Ki Ahn
Exploring the Use of Robots for Diary Studies
Michael F. Xu, Bilge Mutlu
"Can you be my mum?": Manipulating Social Robots in the Large Language Models Era
Giulio Antonio Abbo, Gloria Desideri, Tony Belpaeme, Micol Spitale
Robotic Programmer: Video Instructed Policy Code Generation for Robotic Manipulation
Senwei Xie, Hongyu Wang, Zhanqi Xiao, Ruiping Wang, Xilin Chen
Constraints as Rewards: Reinforcement Learning for Robots without Reward Functions
Yu Ishihara, Noriaki Takasugi, Kotaro Kawakami, Masaya Kinoshita, Kazumi Aoyama
GNN-based Decentralized Perception in Multirobot Systems for Predicting Worker Actions
Ali Imran, Giovanni Beltrame, David St-Onge
Existential Crisis: A Social Robot's Reason for Being
Dora Medgyesy, Joella Galas, Julian van Pol, Rustam Eynaliyev, Thijs Vollebregt
Sim-to-Real Transfer for Mobile Robots with Reinforcement Learning: from NVIDIA Isaac Sim to Gazebo and Real ROS 2 Robots
Sahar Salimpour, Jorge Peña-Queralta, Diego Paez-Granados, Jukka Heikkonen, Tomi Westerlund
A Global Games-Inspired Approach to Multi-Robot Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Teams
Logan Beaver
Range-Only Localization System for Small-Scale Flapping-Wing Robots
Raul Tapia, Ivan Gutierrez Rodriguez, Javier Luna-Santamaria, Jose Ramiro Martinez-de Dios, Anibal Ollero
Robot localization in a mapped environment using Adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm
Sagarnil Das