Online Training
Online training research focuses on improving the effectiveness and accessibility of digital learning environments, encompassing both student performance prediction and the development of novel training methodologies for AI models. Current research utilizes machine learning algorithms like random forests and deep learning architectures (CNNs, RNN-LSTMs, GCNs) to predict student performance, identify at-risk learners, and optimize AI-driven tutoring systems. These advancements hold significant implications for personalized learning, enhancing the efficiency and impact of online education across various disciplines and for diverse learners.
Fully Distributed Online Training of Graph Neural Networks in Networked Systems
Rostyslav Olshevskyi, Zhongyuan Zhao, Kevin Chan, Gunjan Verma, Ananthram Swami, Santiago Segarra
Accurate Multi-Category Student Performance Forecasting at Early Stages of Online Education Using Neural Networks
Naveed Ur Rehman Junejo, Muhammad Wasim Nawaz, Qingsheng Huang, Xiaoqing Dong, Chang Wang, Gengzhong Zheng