Predictive Representation
Predictive representation learning focuses on creating models that can anticipate future events or states, a crucial aspect of intelligent behavior. Current research emphasizes developing efficient algorithms, such as those based on transformer architectures and Fourier transforms, to learn these representations from various data types, including sequential data (e.g., language, time series) and images. These advancements improve sample efficiency in reinforcement learning and enhance performance in diverse applications, ranging from market making and robotics to medical image analysis and natural language processing. The resulting predictive models offer improved accuracy and efficiency in various fields, driving progress in both fundamental understanding of intelligence and practical applications.
Video Prediction Policy: A Generalist Robot Policy with Predictive Visual Representations
Yucheng Hu, Yanjiang Guo, Pengchao Wang, Xiaoyu Chen, Yen-Jen Wang, Jianke Zhang, Koushil Sreenath, Chaochao Lu, Jianyu Chen
ST-ReP: Learning Predictive Representations Efficiently for Spatial-Temporal Forecasting
Qi Zheng, Zihao Yao, Yaying Zhang