Threat Intelligence
Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) focuses on collecting, analyzing, and sharing information about cyber threats to improve cybersecurity defenses. Current research emphasizes automating CTI processes using large language models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs, particularly for tasks like summarization, threat actor attribution, and the extraction of actionable insights from unstructured data. This work is crucial for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity practices, enabling faster threat detection and response, and facilitating more informed decision-making in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. The development of robust benchmarks and standardized datasets is also a key focus to improve the reliability and comparability of CTI analysis methods.
Automated Classification of Cybercrime Complaints using Transformer-based Language Models for Hinglish Texts
Nanda Rani, Divyanshu Singh, Bikash Saha, Sandeep Kumar Shukla
Automated CVE Analysis: Harnessing Machine Learning In Designing Question-Answering Models For Cybersecurity Information Extraction
Tanjim Bin Faruk