Urban Traffic
Urban traffic research aims to optimize traffic flow and mitigate congestion, focusing on improving prediction accuracy, enhancing traffic control strategies, and understanding driver behavior. Current research employs diverse machine learning models, including deep neural networks (like LSTMs and GRUs), reinforcement learning algorithms, and Bayesian inference methods, often integrated with traffic simulation platforms and real-world datasets. These advancements are crucial for developing more efficient transportation systems, improving safety, and reducing environmental impact through better traffic management and planning. The integration of large language models and vision-language models is also emerging as a promising area for enhancing real-time decision-making in traffic control.
Proactive Risk Navigation System for Real-World Urban Intersections
Tim Puphal, Benedict Flade, Daan de Geus, Julian Eggert
Traffic4cast at NeurIPS 2022 -- Predict Dynamics along Graph Edges from Sparse Node Data: Whole City Traffic and ETA from Stationary Vehicle Detectors
Moritz Neun, Christian Eichenberger, Henry Martin, Markus Spanring, Rahul Siripurapu, Daniel Springer, Leyan Deng, Chenwang Wu, Defu Lian, Min Zhou, Martin Lumiste, Andrei Ilie, Xinhua Wu, Cheng Lyu, Qing-Long Lu, Vishal Mahajan, Yichao Lu, Jiezhang Li, Junjun Li, Yue-Jiao Gong, Florian Grötschla, Joël Mathys, Ye Wei, He Haitao, Hui Fang, Kevin Malm, Fei Tang, Michael Kopp, David Kreil, Sepp Hochreiter