Voter Participation
Voter participation research investigates how individual preferences aggregate into collective decisions, focusing on the design and analysis of voting mechanisms and their susceptibility to biases and manipulation. Current research explores the application of large language models (LLMs) to simulate voting behavior and predict election outcomes, alongside investigations into the fairness and efficiency of various voting rules, including approval voting and scoring rules. These studies aim to improve the accuracy and fairness of elections, enhance our understanding of voter behavior, and inform the design of more robust and equitable democratic processes.
Voter Priming Campaigns: Strategies, Equilibria, and Algorithms
Jonathan Shaki, Yonatan Aumann, Sarit Kraus
Do Voters Get the Information They Want? Understanding Authentic Voter FAQs in the US and How to Improve for Informed Electoral Participation
Vipula Rawte, Deja N Scott, Gaurav Kumar, Aishneet Juneja, Bharat Sowrya Yaddanapalli, Biplav Srivastava