Paper ID: 2405.14268
Multi-Representation Genetic Programming: A Case Study on Tree-based and Linear Representations
Zhixing Huang, Yi Mei, Fangfang Zhang, Mengjie Zhang, Wolfgang Banzhaf
Existing genetic programming (GP) methods are typically designed based on a certain representation, such as tree-based or linear representations. These representations show various pros and cons in different domains. However, due to the complicated relationships among representation and fitness landscapes of GP, it is hard to intuitively determine which GP representation is the most suitable for solving a certain problem. Evolving programs (or models) with multiple representations simultaneously can alternatively search on different fitness landscapes since representations are highly related to the search space that essentially defines the fitness landscape. Fully using the latent synergies among different GP individual representations might be helpful for GP to search for better solutions. However, existing GP literature rarely investigates the simultaneous effective use of evolving multiple representations. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a multi-representation GP algorithm based on tree-based and linear representations, which are two commonly used GP representations. In addition, we develop a new cross-representation crossover operator to harness the interplay between tree-based and linear representations. Empirical results show that navigating the learned knowledge between basic tree-based and linear representations successfully improves the effectiveness of GP with solely tree-based or linear representation in solving symbolic regression and dynamic job shop scheduling problems.
Submitted: May 23, 2024