Paper ID: 2412.00477

LineGS : 3D Line Segment Representation on 3D Gaussian Splatting

Chenggang Yang, Yuang Shi

Abstract representations of 3D scenes play a crucial role in computer vision, enabling a wide range of applications such as mapping, localization, surface reconstruction, and even advanced tasks like SLAM and rendering. Among these representations, line segments are widely used because of their ability to succinctly capture the structural features of a scene. However, existing 3D reconstruction methods often face significant challenges. Methods relying on 2D projections suffer from instability caused by errors in multi-view matching and occlusions, while direct 3D approaches are hampered by noise and sparsity in 3D point cloud data. This paper introduces LineGS, a novel method that combines geometry-guided 3D line reconstruction with a 3D Gaussian splatting model to address these challenges and improve representation ability. The method leverages the high-density Gaussian point distributions along the edge of the scene to refine and optimize initial line segments generated from traditional geometric approaches. By aligning these segments with the underlying geometric features of the scene, LineGS achieves a more precise and reliable representation of 3D structures. The results show significant improvements in both geometric accuracy and model compactness compared to baseline methods.

Submitted: Nov 30, 2024