Paper ID: 2412.01199

TinyFusion: Diffusion Transformers Learned Shallow

Gongfan Fang, Kunjun Li, Xinyin Ma, Xinchao Wang

Diffusion Transformers have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in image generation but often come with excessive parameterization, resulting in considerable inference overhead in real-world applications. In this work, we present TinyFusion, a depth pruning method designed to remove redundant layers from diffusion transformers via end-to-end learning. The core principle of our approach is to create a pruned model with high recoverability, allowing it to regain strong performance after fine-tuning. To accomplish this, we introduce a differentiable sampling technique to make pruning learnable, paired with a co-optimized parameter to simulate future fine-tuning. While prior works focus on minimizing loss or error after pruning, our method explicitly models and optimizes the post-fine-tuning performance of pruned models. Experimental results indicate that this learnable paradigm offers substantial benefits for layer pruning of diffusion transformers, surpassing existing importance-based and error-based methods. Additionally, TinyFusion exhibits strong generalization across diverse architectures, such as DiTs, MARs, and SiTs. Experiments with DiT-XL show that TinyFusion can craft a shallow diffusion transformer at less than 7% of the pre-training cost, achieving a 2$\times$ speedup with an FID score of 2.86, outperforming competitors with comparable efficiency. Code is available at this https URL

Submitted: Dec 2, 2024