Paper ID: 2412.09701
CUAL: Continual Uncertainty-aware Active Learner
Amanda Rios, Ibrahima Ndiour, Parual Datta, Jerry Sydir, Omesh Tickoo, Nilesh Ahuja
AI deployed in many real-world use cases should be capable of adapting to novelties encountered after deployment. Here, we consider a challenging, under-explored and realistic continual adaptation problem: a deployed AI agent is continuously provided with unlabeled data that may contain not only unseen samples of known classes but also samples from novel (unknown) classes. In such a challenging setting, it has only a tiny labeling budget to query the most informative samples to help it continuously learn. We present a comprehensive solution to this complex problem with our model "CUAL" (Continual Uncertainty-aware Active Learner). CUAL leverages an uncertainty estimation algorithm to prioritize active labeling of ambiguous (uncertain) predicted novel class samples while also simultaneously pseudo-labeling the most certain predictions of each class. Evaluations across multiple datasets, ablations, settings and backbones (e.g. ViT foundation model) demonstrate our method's effectiveness. We will release our code upon acceptance.
Submitted: Dec 12, 2024