Paper ID: 2412.17188
Hierarchically Gated Experts for Efficient Online Continual Learning
Kevin Luong, Michael Thielscher
Continual Learning models aim to learn a set of tasks under the constraint that the tasks arrive sequentially with no way to access data from previous tasks. The Online Continual Learning framework poses a further challenge where the tasks are unknown and instead the data arrives as a single stream. Building on existing work, we propose a method for identifying these underlying tasks: the Gated Experts (GE) algorithm, where a dynamically growing set of experts allows for new knowledge to be acquired without catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, we extend GE to Hierarchically Gated Experts (HGE), a method which is able to efficiently select the best expert for each data sample by organising the experts into a hierarchical structure. On standard Continual Learning benchmarks, GE and HGE are able to achieve results comparable with current methods, with HGE doing so more efficiently.
Submitted: Dec 22, 2024