Paper ID: 2412.01604
Agentic-HLS: An agentic reasoning based high-level synthesis system using large language models (AI for EDA workshop 2024)
Ali Emre Oztas, Mahdi Jelodari
Our aim for the ML Contest for Chip Design with HLS 2024 was to predict the validity, running latency in the form of cycle counts, utilization rate of BRAM (util-BRAM), utilization rate of lookup tables (uti-LUT), utilization rate of flip flops (util-FF), and the utilization rate of digital signal processors (util-DSP). We used Chain-of-thought techniques with large language models to perform classification and regression tasks. Our prediction is that with larger models reasoning was much improved. We release our prompts and propose a HLS benchmarking task for LLMs.
Submitted: Dec 2, 2024