Paper ID: 2412.18600

ZeroHSI: Zero-Shot 4D Human-Scene Interaction by Video Generation

Hongjie Li, Hong-Xing Yu, Jiaman Li, Jiajun Wu

Human-scene interaction (HSI) generation is crucial for applications in embodied AI, virtual reality, and robotics. While existing methods can synthesize realistic human motions in 3D scenes and generate plausible human-object interactions, they heavily rely on datasets containing paired 3D scene and motion capture data, which are expensive and time-consuming to collect across diverse environments and interactions. We present ZeroHSI, a novel approach that enables zero-shot 4D human-scene interaction synthesis by integrating video generation and neural human rendering. Our key insight is to leverage the rich motion priors learned by state-of-the-art video generation models, which have been trained on vast amounts of natural human movements and interactions, and use differentiable rendering to reconstruct human-scene interactions. ZeroHSI can synthesize realistic human motions in both static scenes and environments with dynamic objects, without requiring any ground-truth motion data. We evaluate ZeroHSI on a curated dataset of different types of various indoor and outdoor scenes with different interaction prompts, demonstrating its ability to generate diverse and contextually appropriate human-scene interactions.

Submitted: Dec 24, 2024