DP Algorithm
Differential privacy (DP) algorithms aim to analyze sensitive data while preserving individual privacy, achieving this by introducing carefully calibrated noise into computations. Current research focuses on extending DP to complex machine learning tasks, including bilevel optimization, federated learning, and reinforcement learning, often employing gradient-based methods or novel noise mechanisms like the Poisson Binomial mechanism. These advancements are crucial for enabling responsible data analysis in various fields, from healthcare to online advertising, where privacy concerns are paramount, and are driving the development of new theoretical bounds and efficient algorithms.
Differentially-Private Hierarchical Clustering with Provable Approximation Guarantees
Jacob Imola, Alessandro Epasto, Mohammad Mahdian, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Vahab Mirrokni
Retiring $\Delta$DP: New Distribution-Level Metrics for Demographic Parity
Xiaotian Han, Zhimeng Jiang, Hongye Jin, Zirui Liu, Na Zou, Qifan Wang, Xia Hu