Program Synthesis
Program synthesis aims to automatically generate computer programs from high-level specifications, such as examples or natural language descriptions. Current research focuses on improving the efficiency and accuracy of synthesis using large language models (LLMs), domain-specific languages (DSLs), and techniques like inductive logic programming (ILP) and evolutionary algorithms, often incorporating feedback mechanisms and library learning to enhance performance. This field is significant because it promises to automate software development, accelerate scientific discovery by automating data analysis and model building, and improve the accessibility of programming for non-experts.
July 24, 2023
July 13, 2023
July 10, 2023
July 8, 2023
June 13, 2023
June 8, 2023
June 7, 2023
June 6, 2023
June 5, 2023
June 3, 2023
May 29, 2023
May 25, 2023
May 18, 2023
May 3, 2023
May 2, 2023
April 22, 2023
April 6, 2023